It is with the very deepest regret that we have learned of the death of The Right Revd. Dr. G. D. Barne, in London on the 17th June, 1954. As is well known, Bishop Barne was Principal here for 20 years from 1912-1932. What Arnold was to Rugby he was to Sanawar. He took over an institution and left it a flourishing School based on Public School principles and moulded in the Public School tradition. No tribute could possibly do him adequate justice but there is no doubt that he was a legend in these parts and that his name will live for many years in Sanawar. Though changes have been considerable since his departure, the basic principles on which we work to-day are largely his. We remember with pride and gratitude his devotion to, and affection for, Sanawar. In his last letter to me, written in March of this year, he sent greetings and good wishes for a successful year and wrote nostalgically of "The Hill-top". Sanawar was very dear to him and Sanawarians throughout the world will be joining with us in mourning his loss. He was a great man in every way and we who are built in a humbler mould can but strive to maintain the standards set by him and thus ensure that we continue to be what he made us, one of the premier Schools in the country. Thus, we shall be serving not only Sanawar but, in a wider field, India. He passed on to us a very worthy heritage. Our consciousness of that fact must make us, one and all, all the more determined to preserve it.