


Message from the King to the Lawrence Royal Military School Sanawar, on the occasion of its centenary celebration.

Many great events have happened in India during 1947 and not least of them is the celebration of your famous school of its centenary.

As you all know, the school was originally for the sons and daughters of British soldiers. Recently it has entered on a new phase of its life, and it is now open to both Indian and British alike. Your school is therefore marching along with the times.

It is in the school and on the playing fields where bonds of friendship are formed. You children who come from different parts of the world therefore have a unique opportunity to form close bonds of friendship which will not be broken as you grow up.

By building up faith and trust in each other and with other peoples of the world you will do a great service to mankind.

The Queen and I wish you and your school every success in the future.


23rd September 1947