Mary Jane CLARKE
(Cir 1873-) |
Mary Jane CLARKE
- Born: Cir 1873, <Kolkatta (Calcutta) West Bengal, India>
- Marriage (1): Albert Victor John RICHARDSON on 1 Sep 1892 in Fort William,
Kolkata (Calcutta) West Bengal, India 1
Mary married Albert Victor John RICHARDSON on 1 Sep
1892 in Fort William, Kolkata (Calcutta) West Bengal, India.1 (Albert Victor John RICHARDSON was born circa
1866 in <Kolkatta (Calcutta) West Bengal, India>.)
India Office Records, Parish register transcripts from the Presidency of Bengal, 1713-1948
India. (Ecclesiastical Returns 1698-1948 India. Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections,
(APAC). Office of the Registrar General, British Library, London). Rec. Date: 17 Jan 2002, IOR
Ref: Z.N/1/223-224 (2Q 1892). Cit. Date: 13 Mar 2001.