The Boddington-Ingram Family History

Thomas BINKS
Tabitha BINKS
Family Links

Tabitha BINKS

  • Born: 1651, Prittlewell, Southend-On-Sea, Essex, England
  • Marriage (1): Thomas INGRUME in 1670 in Prittlewell, Southend-On-Sea, Essex, England 1 2

   Another name for Tabitha was Tabitha BINCKES.

Tabitha married Thomas INGRUME, son of Thomas INGRUME and Elizabeth, in 1670 in Prittlewell, Southend-On-Sea, Essex, England.1 2 (Thomas INGRUME was born in 1647 in Whitechapel, London, England and was christened on 17 Mar 1647 in St. Botolph's Church, Aldgate, London 2 3.)

There are known to have been at least three other children from this marriage. So far no details. It will be noted that there is a 40 year gap between the date of their marriage and the birth of their son William in 1710. This will have made Tabitha almost 60 years old when she gave birth to William - a most unlikely event, particularly for those times. It is therefore thought that for whatever reason, Thomas Ingrume probably married again and William was a son from his second marriage. There may also have been other children. Again however, no details. According to Gwen Gardiner, the relevant church registers around about this time are indistinct and some appeared to be damaged or missing. If anyone has found more convincing data, please get in touch.


1 Extract from the Bishop's Transcripts of the original Parish Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Buriials, Rochford District, 1837-1974. (Essex County Records Office (SEAX), Chelmsford, Essex). Rec. Date: 11 Aug 2004, Cit. Date: 10 May 2005.

2 Gwen Gardiner, The Genealogy charts and Research Notes of Gwen Gardiner, descendant of John Page INGRAM (NV). Rec. Date: 10 Feb 2005, Cit. Date: 10 May 2005.

3 Extract from transcripts of the original Register of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials St. Botolph's Church, Aldgate, London (Guildhall Library, City of London). Rec. Date: 15 Oct 1999, Cit. Date: 16 Nov 2009.