Sitemap, Contents and Bibliography
Home Page
Old Sanawarians Album
Mrs, Scott's "Views in the Himalayas"
Supplementary Texts and Side notes
Band House
Birdwood School
Birdwood Canons, The
Bourne, Samuel
Butt Collector, The
Calcutta Memorial Tablet, The
Centenary Parade 1947, The
Glossary of Familiar Place Names and Nicknames
Glossary of Sanawar Slang and Common Expressions
God's Place
Hodson Runs, The
Imperial Challenge (Rifle) Shield, The
Khetarpal, Arun 2Lt PVC Poona Horse
Message, The
Lawrence, Letitia Catherine
Lawrence, Henry Montgomery
Lawrence, Honoria
Monkey Point and Tapp's Nose
Presentation of the New Colours (1922)
Principals of LMA and LRMS Sanawar
George Dunsford Barne.
Principal G.D. Barne by F.E. Eccleston.
Principal Hildesley
R. Coombes B.A., B.Sc., (Bobuck)
Sanawar Bugle Calls
School Colours, The
School Memorials, The
School Song, The
School Power Plant, The
Simla from the 'Long Back'
Spartan Club, The
Summer Camp
The Boys' School, SANAWAR (1902-1927) by W. Gaskell
Their Bathing Suits Never Get Wet
Whatever happened to Ulavi?
Sources and References
Addiscombe, its heroes and men of note - H.M. Vibart.
Gazetteer of the Simla District, (Punjab Government Press) 1888 and 1904.
Lawrence of Lucknow - J.L. Morrison.
Letters of Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence.
Life of Sir Henry Lawrence - Sir Herbert Benjamin Edwardes, Herman Merivale.
LRMS & LS Sanawar School Orders (various) 1915-1918 & 1920-1956
LRMS Annual Reports (various) 1915-1923 &1928-1947.
Old Sanawarian Magazine, annual magazine of the Old Sanawarian Association
Parish register transcripts from the Presidency of Bengal, 1713-1948 India.
(British Library, London).
Poems of Honoria Marshall Lawrence, (1808-1854)
Red Year - Michael Edwardes.
Sir Henry Lawrence - The Pacificator - Lt. Gen. J.J. McLeod Innes
Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence - T.R. Moreman.
The Journals of Honoria Lawrence, "India Ovserved 1837-1854" - compiled
and edited by John Lawrence, Audrey Woodiwiss.
The Lawrence Military Asylum, Sanawur. "Being a Brief Account of etc..." - Sir
H.M. Lawrence, Revd. W.J. Parker, Revd. M.J. Becher et al. (LMA Press,
Sanawar 1858).
The Sanawarian Magazine, (various) 1918-1947.
Complimentary Links
The Lawrence School Sanawar
The Old Sanawarian Society
Lawrence College, Ghora Gali
Lawrence School Lovedale
Annual Reunion Report - 2013
Annual Reunion Report - 2014
Annual Reunion Report - 2015
Annual Reunion Report - 2016
Annual Reunion Report - 2017
Annual Reunion Report - 2018
Annual Reunion Report - 2019
The pages listed under the heading
Supplementary Texts and Sidenotes are also
accessible from hyperlinks embedded in the relevant image captions
appearing in both albums. Please note that this site is still
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Derek Boddington
June 2014.